Tech Team Side-Steps Political Paralyses by Manufacturing Transformative Solution to Defend Against the Threat of Mass Shootings.


Tech Team Side-Steps Political Paralyses by Manufacturing Transformative Solution to Defend Against the Threat of Mass Shootings.


A Seattle-based company has created an innovative, practical answer to ease anxiety over school & workplace shootings. The product, named the CoverMe-Seat, is a lightweight, carryable folding seat that can transform into a bullet proof vest. In all, the complete process takes only about three or four seconds. The portable seat defends the user’s body from the most powerful handgun bullets and with an optional rear plate it can stop ammunition fired from the commonly-used AR-15, which makes the seat superior to most body-armor alternatives.

“I’ve never met a person who likes thinking about how to protect their family from gunfire,” stated Aaron Ansel, the company’s founder. “The lawmakers in this country should come up with a way to do bipartisan firearm-law reform, which we fully support, but till that happens, we wanted a viable solution, so we came up with our own.”


The seat is more protective than bulletproof backpacks because it shields the front and back of the person wearing it. Also, with the auxiliary plate, your rear is shielded against AR-15 rounds, something that practically no other options can offer. The seat weighs only about five pounds, less than a six-pack.

One of the Co-Founders, Andrew Enke is an engineer who previously designed and developed spinal equipment. “I designed the CoverMe-Seat to be as simple as it is effective. We started with the assumption that no-one is going to put on a bulletproof jacket every morning. With the CoverMe-Seat, we sought to overcome the misconception that protection requires compromise.”

The CoverMe-Seat is available for just $100 online at